Round Table 10 Bucharest was chartered for the first time in 1994 being the first club opened in the capital city. It is unusual for a national Association to have the first club in the capital city, the club with the number 10, the international godparents’ RT 637 Pembroke (RTBI). In the first part of its existence, RT 10 Bucharest was a very active group at both the national and international levels. At that time Mihai Gyapjas was the first national IRO representing RT 10, and then he became the President of the Romanian Round Table – until 2020 he was the only national President from R.T.10. Unfortunately, Mr. Gyapjas passed away in 2014 one of the most representative figures for RT Romanian his memory in 2020 he became a member of honor of RTRomania. In 2003 the club was closed and it was reopened in 2007. The international godparents this time RT 37 Brescia (RT Italia) and national godparent RT 7 Oradea (club now closed). The emerging person from RT 10 was Dragoș Chiriță who represented RT Romania as national IRO and was actively involved in developing of Round Table International Constitution. In 2011 he was the tabler of the year in RTI the first Romanian to achieve this important distinction and the only Romanian until now who represented RT Romanian ( the other Romanian who was the tabler of the year 2012 is Dan Filipescu but representing RT USA). At RTIWM 2015 RT10 try to organize RTIWM in 2017 in Bucharest but lost. Being a very active club with 13 members and constantly participating in national and international events it is now wondering that RT 10 holds for 2020-2021, both the national presidency of Round Table Romania and the national IRO.